Thursday, August 21, 2008
인도에서 요가의 근본 본질은 계속 보존 되고 있다. 인도 사람들은 어떠한 이유도 아닌 단지 정신적, 육체적 안온함을 위해서 일상 생활에서 요가를 수련한다. 요가는 단기간이 아닌 오랜 과정을 통해 습득 되는 심도 깊은 운동이다. 예를 들어 새로 아이가 태어나면 조부모는 신에 대한 숭배 와 다양한 “ mantras” “ sanskaras” 을 그리고 부모는 가족의 가치를 가르치는데 여기서부터 아이의 배움의 과정이 시작된다고 보면 된다. 대략 3 ~ 4세가 되면 아이들은 요가에 관심을 기울이기 시작하며 적당한 시간적 절차에 따라 요가의 기술들을 이해할 수 있게 된다. 세계의 어떤 곳에서는 요가 수행은 사람의 필요에 의해 만들어져 다양한 질병위협의 억제의 수단이 되고 있다.
요가는 산스크리트(Sanskrit)어로 “통제”, “말에 멍에를 씌워 말뚝에 매어두다”, “결합한다”는 의미를 가진 “Yuj” 에서 기원을 둔 5000년 된 과학이다. (** 요가는 여러 면 에서 과학적인 성격을 가지도 있다.) 일반적인 의미로는 “결합하다” “하나되다” 그리고 “결합함” “합동”과 관련된 개념도 포괄하고 있습니다. 그리고 형태, 방법, 수단이라는 다른 개념의 정의도 있습니다.
요가는 인도에 기원을 둔 고대의 정신수양 수행 방법으로 일반적으로 힌두교에서는 기술, 자기수행, 그리고 정신 세계의 체험, 자연 존재의 심오한 이해 또는 인지를 이끌어 낼 수 있는 명상으로 정의 된다. 요가는 또한 전세계적으로 종교적 믿음, 수행법과도 깊이 연관되어 있다.
요가는 인도나 다른 집단을 통해 전 세계적으로 종교적 역할을 하고 있지만, 다른 한편으로 요가는 Hath 요가 좌법 ( 요가 자세의 하나) 수행 또는 운동의 형태와 관련되어 있습니다. 힌두 교과서에서는 다양한 관점에 대한 요가 ( Upanishads, Bhagavad-Gita, Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Shiva Samhita 등 ) 에 대한 의견을 나누고 있다.
요가의 역사
인더스 문명 유적지에서 발견된 몇몇의 유물들에서 요가 수련의 모습, 명상자세가 묘사되어 있다. 이것들은 선구적인 요가가 제시하는 “종교 의식의 요가형태”를 보여주는 중요한 증거가 된다.
가장 잘 널리 알려진 유물은 발명가 John Marchall에 의해 “Pasupati” 인장이라 이름 지어 졌고 John Marchall은 이것이 Proto- Shiva의 형상을 대표 한다고 믿는다. 하지만 많은 현재의 권위자들은 Pasupati가 Shiva 나 Rudra의 형상을 대표한다는 사실을 받아들이지 않고 있다.
2007년 Terracotta 인장들이 파키스탄의 Cholistan 사막에서 발견 되었다. Punjab 대학교 일류학부 의장은 그 중 하나는 그전에 발명된 “Mohenjodaro” 인장 (세계의 상형문자가 한쪽 면에 있고 다른 면에는 “요기”가 있음)과 비슷하다고 설명했다.
요가의 고행은 Brahmanas - 초기 Vadas ( 힌두교의 경전)의 주석서 에 언급되어 있습니다. Upanishads ( 명상에 대한 초기 참고 문헌 )은 초기 Upanishads의 하나인 Brihadaranyaka Upanishad에 언급되어 있다. 요가 개념과 관련된 주요 문헌의 자료는 “middle Upanishads” , “Mahabharata ( Bhagavad- Gita 포함)”. “ The Yoga Sutras of the Patanjali ( 책이름 )에 실려 있다.
요가의 장점
대략 20만 명이 넘는 사람들이 매일 요가를 수련한다. 매일 사람들은 요가에 대한 그들의 경이로운 경험, 변화, 즉시 기대한 이상의 신비한 경험들에 대해 말하고 있습니다. 단 한번의 수업으로 사람들은 여러 가지의 요가자세, 호흡법, 명상, 찬양 등 다양한 것들을 배울 수 있습니다. 요가를 하면서 기본적인 용어들 ( Mudras, Bandhas, Chakras ) 등도 배울 수 있습니다.
요가는 몸과 마음 그리고 정신을 위한 운동 입니다. 요가는 기분을 좋게 하고 피가 혈관을통해 솟구치게 하며, 몸 전체 신경을 통해 활력을 주며, 삶에 행복감을 주는 것에 중점을 둔 운동이다. 요가의 가장 장점이라 하면, 연령, 피부색, 사회적 계급, 종교, 건강상태, 경제적인 부에 관계없이 남녀노소 누구에게나 적정한 운동이라는 것입니다. 여기 몇 가지 구체적이고 중요한 요가의 이점을 있습니다.
- 스트레스 감소와 긴장완화 능력 강화
- 육체적 힘, 체력 강화 및 유연성
- 집중력 및 자제력 생김
- 욕구 자제 능력이 생김
- 부상에 대한 재활 치료에 도움
- 통증에 대한 내성이 강화되며 정신이 맑아짐
- 신진대사를 활발하게 도와줌
- 자세를 바로 잡아주고 근육을 예쁘게 가다듬어줌
- 혈액순환에 도움
- 건강하고 생기 있는 피부를 만들어줌
- 전반적인 장 기관들의 기능 증진
- 평안한고 안정적인 마음을 같게 되며 긍정적인 마음을 갖게 됨
- 내면의 조화와 균형을 키워줌
요가가 고대서부터 내려온 운동이고 어떻게 해서 중세에 잠시 사라졌으며 매우 국소적인 지역과 사람에게만 국한 되어져 왔다. 그리고 현대 의학의 빠른 회복으로 사람들은 요가를 신뢰하지 않고 질병의 근본이 아닌 표면상의에 중심을 두는 현대 과학에 더 의지를 해가고 있습니다. 일반적으로 많은 사람들이 요가라 하면 산 정상 앉아 아님 손톱을 길게 기르며 동굴 안에서 자고 이상한 행동을 하는 은둔자로 생각한다. 사람들은 진정한 의미의 요가를 이해 못하고 요기들 (요가를 하는 사람 )의 삶이 반사화적이며 자시희생이라는 미신을 믿고 있다. 하지만 요즘 들어 요가는 많은 요가 지도자들이 사원의 수도 장이나 집에 요가를 배우고자 하는 사람들 에게 요가를 가르쳐준다는 것은 많이 알려져 있다.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Friday, August 8, 2008
Indo-South Korea Economic Relations
A remarkable feature of South Korea is its transformation from a developing country in 1950s to a high-income country of the world with a substantial per capita income. The economic reforms of 1990s in India have been influenced with East-Asian success and South Korea was among the chief countries to have an impact on Indian policy makers' thinking process. Though Consular relations between India and South Koreawere set up in 1962, it was in 1973 with the establishment of formal diplomatic ties that a new chapter was opened in the history of Indo-Korean cooperation. Both India and Korea contribute significantly in the world GDP. Korea is among the few Asian countries that are counted among the developed countries of the world; India too has a growing stature and increasing role in international affairs. In a bid to boost bilateral ties, India and South Korea on Jun 1, 2005 decided to step up efforts to take their economic partnership to higher levels by utilising synergies in trade, investment and hi-tech areas. The two sides held ministerial discussions and hoped that negotiations for the $ 12 billion integrated steel plant to be set up by Korean company Posco at Paradip in Orissa would be concluded at an early date. Negotiations for the mega project are at an advanced stage and when completed it would be the largest single foreign investment by any country in India.
BACKGROUND -->TRADE India's exports to Korea were Rs 4325.84 crores in (April-March 2004-05) and it was of 1.21% of the total Indian Exports. While India's imports from Korea were higher at Rs 14351.54 crores in (April-March 2004-05) and it was 2.98 % of the total Indian Imports. The trade balance has been in favour of Korea. Traditionally India's exports were limited to a few primary commodities such as cotton, oil cakes, iron ore, iron & steel, organic and inorganic chemicals, and electrical machinery & equipments. During the last few years, however, the commodity composition of our exports, though still dependent on low value-added items has expanded to cover a wider range of industrial products. For the last 2-3 years, India has been exporting wheat to Korea. Indian industry is of the view that our exports to Korea, valued at US$ 650 million, are not commensurate with the vast opportunities for trade that still remain untapped. Iron ore, chemicals & allied products, marine products, processed food; cotton yarn fabrics, gems & jewellery, and leather are some of the sectors that offer tremendous potential. India imports Korean machinery and equipment and these are set to grow rapidly in face of likely investments by South Korea in transportation, construction and infrastructure sectors in India. Already, several Korean construction companies are engaged in highways, power plants, chemicals, petrochemicals and metro rail projects in India. Other sectors where Korean and Indian companies can mutually benefit are the shipbuilding, telecommunications, aviation and energy sectors. INVESTMENT
Korean investments in IndiaSouth Korea is one of the top ten leading investing countries in India. In 2003, it invested US $ 24 million in India. South Korean business groups such as LG, Samsung and Hyundai have not only established their presence in the Indian business scene but are also looking at diversifying their businesses into different sectors. Korea accounts for about 2.64% of total FDI inflows, amounting to US$ 2.601 billion (excluding amount approved for ADRs/ GDRs). The main sectors attracting foreign direct investment from South Korea are transportation industry accounting for over 1/3rd of the share, fuels (power & oil refinery), electrical equipment (computer software & electronics), chemicals (other than fertilizer) and commercial, office & household equipments. There have also been technical collaborations with South Korea- areas include transportation industry, electrical equipment including computer software & electronics, chemicals other than fertilizers, metallurgical industries and industrial machinery.
In addition to the above sectors, studies have also revealed that the two countries could set up joint collaborations in the sectors of infrastructure - power, ports, telecommunications, ship building & ship repair, petrochemicals, automobile ancillary, electrical & electronics, office equipment, banking & financial services, software as well as iron & steel. Out of 44 contracts awarded for National Highway Development Project, 9 have been won by Korean companies in collaboration with Indian companies or independently. Recently, Hyundai Heavy Industries have won two mega projects including one pipeline project worth US$ 600 million. Indian investment in Korea With the growing amount of globalization and liberalization, not only Korean companies are making their presence felt in India, Indian firms too are establishing themselves in Korea. Last year in February, Tata Motors, Mumbai signed an agreement for acquiring Daewoo Commercial Vehicles, Kunsan (South Korea) at a cost of US$ 102 million.
Indian Queen Suro gave rise to the Kim dynasty
Six Million India Korea Descendants in Korea
What's South Korea's Ayodhya connection? To get the answer, pay a visit to the picturesque banks of river Saryu in the holy city. Here one will find a monument in memory of an Ayodhya princess who is believed to have 'mothered' a dynasty in South Korea.
It has been an affair that resurfaced after a lapse of almost 2000 years in the year 2001. Mayors of Ayodhya and Kim-Hae city in South Korea had signed a Sister City Bond in March 2001.The origin of the historical ties can be traced back to the middle of the first century AD. According to Sam Kuk Yusa, the ancient history of Korea, Queen Huh, wife of legendary King Suro, who founded the Karak Kingdom, was born in Ayodhya.Queen Huh was a princess of the kingdom. Her father, the king of Ayodhya, on receiving a divine revelation, sent her on a long sea voyage to the Karak kingdom in southern Korea to marry King Suro, states the lines inscribed on the plaque at the monument in Ayodhya.The monument in memory of Hwang Huh is built in Korean tradition using a three-metre high stone weighing 7,500 kg, specially shipped from South Korea. The clan that descended from the Ayodhya princess Huh and South Korean King Suros, today known as Kim-Hae-Kim clan, has a little over six million Huh descendants in the Republic of South Korea. The Kim-Hae-Kim clan has countless illustrious members including many presidents and premiers.The memorial site in Ayodhya has become a place of pilgrimage for members of the clan. While unveiling the monument Bong Ho-Kim, president of the clan society, Republic of Korea had said: "Ayodhya being birthplace of our great Queen Huh, has acquired the status of a place for pilgrimage to over six million descendants."
South Koreans Have Indian Genes

2000 Years of India Korea Contact
India’s early contacts with Korea date back more than 2000 years. Two thousand years ago, a 16 year old princess from Ayodhya, accompanied by her brother, sailed from India for Korea. We only know her by her Korean name, Huh Wang-Ock. There she wed King Kim Suro, founder of the ancient Korean kingdom of Karack. The King himself received her upon her arrival, and later built a temple at the place where they had first met. She is said to have died at the grand old age of 189. Her story is narrated in the ancient Korean history books, "Samkuksaki" and "Samkukyusa".
Her tomb is located in Kimhae and there is a stone pagoda in front of the tomb. The pagoda is built with stones, which the princess is said to have brought with her from Ayodhya. They have engravings and red patterns. They are believed to have a mysterious power to calm stormy seas. The Kimhae kingdom's influence is still felt in modern-day South Korea. Kimhae Kims and Kimhae Huhs trace their origins to this ancient kingdom and Korea's Ex President Kim Dae Jung and Prime Minister Jong Pil Kim are Kimhae Kims.
In February, 2000, Kimhae Mayor Song Eun-Bok led a delegation to Ayodhya. The delegation proposed to develop Ayodhya as a sister city of Kimhae and there are plans to set up a memorial for Queen Huh. Note: Ayodhya is the modern Faizabad in Uttar Pradesh. It was the capital of the kingdom of Lord Ram, the seventh incarnation of Lord Vishnu.
Hospitality Bizindia
IHM Pusa hosts Korean food festival
Thursday, July 24, 2008, 19:00 Hrs [IST]
By HBI Staff New Delhi
Institute of Hotel Management Pusa, Delhi, in association with has organised a Korean food festival on the institute campus. The festival, which started on 16 July 2008, will conclude with a gala dinner on Friday, 25 July 2008.The 10 day festival is part of the cultural exchange between India and Korea. The purpose of the cultural exchange programme is to bring the students and youth of both countries together on a platform, in order to strengthen ties between the countries. It involves lectures, cooking sessions, demonstrations and tasting sessions.The festival is being organised in collaboration with Korean companies like Hyundai Motors. Hyundai Motors has selected about 500 students from various fields in Korea to travel around the world, in order to promote Korean culture and food, globally. Doorae Food Consultants, Seoul, South Korea, a food consultancy firm which promotes healthy food, has plans to organise such festivals in countries like Turkey, China, and Thailand.
TimeOut Delhi The specialists
Shila Travels and Consultancy Services was founded 15 years ago by brothers Amit, Abhishek and Amitabh Keshav– and their sister Aarohi. Amit Keshav told us why they like to work only with Koreans.
Korea and India have many cultural similarities. Besides the fact that we both got independence around the same time, there was also a history of partition in both countries. People ask us why we don’t deal with other clients, but we like to specialise. People say, “Koreans are such rough people, how can you deal with them?” We reply that we are Bihari, so we are used to it.
My brother Abhishek was learning Tae Kwon Do – he wasn’t interested in studying but wanted to learn more advanced Tae Kwon Do in Korea. That’s where he learnt to speak fluently. Somehow the Korean embassy got to know this guy could speak the language – this is when Samsung etc were entering the country… So Abhishek got a job translating for Daewoo. I was in Patna and thought this was very unfair – he was earning in dollars while I was working so much harder! So I went and got a job in a travel agency to help him.
We don’t have any formal training in the language – we learnt through interaction. Our language consultancy is now used by corporates like HCL, Samsung etc to offer training in Korean, Hindi and regional languages. Our travel business is also good – JAL carries more Koreans than Japanese. We have a restaurant in Bihar, between Patna and Motihari, that serves authentic Korean, Japanese and Chinese food – and Korean visitors are very impressed.
We also organise film shoots. People come here to make documentaries to air in Korea. We are like a production line. We were involved in setting up the shooting of Gangster in Korea. And there’s another Bollywood project we’re involved with in Korea currently – but you can’t print the details! As told to Sonal Shah
Post Your Comments
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Food is the most indispensable ingredient of life; no human being can imagine a single moment without food, the very thought makes you feel tedious; food plays a vital role in the development of human beings.
In India, food plays an important part in defining its culture, everyday life as well as in festivals. Different parts of the sub continent experiences different cuisines; diversity is the defining feature of Indian food
The history of Indian food can be traced bay back from the Indus Valley Civilization, universally known as Harappan Civilization i.e. 4000 years ago. Indian cooking has evolved significantly over time and the verifying influences brought into the country by the various rulers and travelers, which in turn made it very affluent. The core elements in the Indian food consist of balancing the six tastes – sweet, sour, salty, pungent, bitter and astringent. These tastes relate to attributes of essence and effect.
In the early periods i.e. in Indus Valley Civilization they probably ate wheat, rice, lentils and occasionally ate cows, pigs, sheep’s, goats and chicken, etc.
Around 600 B.C with the emergence of Buddhism and Jainism, the later had strong influence on the cuisines in some parts the country. Jains were strong believer of non-violence; traditional Jain cuisine apart from being cooked without meat was also cooked without onion and garlic.
During the Maurya Period (400 B.C), agriculture become prominent numerous cereals were grown, which in turn resulted in grain cuisine in India and variety of natural liquor came in existence.
The Gupta era (1200 A.D) great patronage of art and architecture is marked with visiting traveler who carried with them knowledge and products like tea and spices, the most essential ingredient of Indian homes in present days.
1200-1500 A.D is marked with the Muslim influence and the first entry of foreign invaders into the sub-continent. Vasco Da Gama arrived in India in 1498, to explore opportunities of trade which later on resulted in colonization, and spices were profoundly exported to Rome where these spices were as precious as gold. The impact of Portuguese colonization can still be felt in Goa, in west India, both in food and culture.
The Mughlai cuisine in India came around 1500-1800 A.D, with the influx of Mughal Empire. Saffron, nuts, ‘dum’ or sealed pot method of cooking developed in India. In South India, the Sultan Dynasty in Hyderabad permeated similar influence into the region, in Kerala, at the same time, Syrian Christian cuisine developed.
1800-1947 A.D, this period was marked by British influence. This period resulted in the emergence of the Anglo-Indian cuisine and the emergence of certain “Raj” traditions like that of ‘high tea’, an elaborate later afternoon meal served with tea.
Post independent period changed Indian cuisine to sub continental cuisine, which developed into today’s culinary tradition.
Spices play a vital role in all kinds of Indian foods. Spices can be defined as a “strongly flavored or aromatic substance of vegetable origin, obtained from tropical plants, commonly used as a condiment”. In ancient times spices were as precious as gold and as medicine, preservatives and perfumes.
India is synonymous to spices. India is known as a land of spices, and plays a significant role in global spice market. No country in the world produces as many as kind of spices as in India, the quality spices comes from Kerala in South India. At present, India produces around 2.5 million tones of different spices valued at approximately USD 3 billion $ and holds the premier position in the world. The biggest advantage with India is its varying climates from tropical to sub-tropical to temperate; almost all spices are grown in India. In 28 states and 7 union territories of India at least one spice is grown in abundance. The spices are not only good in taste but also have medicinal value as well, like they provide calcium, iron, vitamin B, vitamin C and other antioxidants. Spicy food is much more appealing than a vitamin pill.
The spices which are abundant in India are:
· Black Pepper
· Cardamom
· Chilly
· Ginger
· Cloves
· Curry leaf
· Turmeric
· Nut meg
· Tamarind
· Cinnamon
· Tea
· Kokam
· Cassia
· Asafetida
· Fenugreek
· Funnel
· Nigella Seeds
· Carom,
And many more.
Spices are the soul of Indian food, simple ingredient come alive with the special use of spices and herbs.
Many Indian vegetables are made with simple bland spices, so that the flavor of the main ingredient can stay pure and the spices provide a supporting taste. There are the stronger spices; in India we use strong, pungent spices like ‘garam masala’ (basically a mixture on numerous spices) in small amounts. It is safest to use whole spices in garam masala when new to these spices. Use one each for 4 serving as a start. ”Garam masala” is very famous in North India. spicy
Indian Cuisine also uses fresh herbs like mint, coconut, fresh green chilies. Fresh herbs help balance spices.
Choosing vegetables and spices for right season is must, for example in winters sweet, sour and salty tastes are encouraged and in summers foods that are normally sweet, bitter and astringent tastes are encouraged.
Curry is basically an English word most probably derived from South Indian word “kaikaari” or its shorter version kaari, means vegetables cooked with Kari leaves, spices with a dash of coconut. It may have become the symbolic British word for Indian dishes that could be eaten with rice. In India curry means gravy. Curry is an international dish that has been recognized world over. It is a stew like dish which has many spices and seasonings and is flavored with hot and sour taste. The curry powder available in the super market is not a single spice, but a blend of spices. Some curry powder ingredients are black pepper, chilly pepper, cloves, coriander, fenugreek, cinnamon, cardamom, cumin, ginger, turmeric and nutmeg.
black pepper, chilly pepper, cloves, coriander, fenugreek, cinnamon, cardamom, cumin, ginger, turmeric and nutmeg
The classical Indian curry often combines the following spices coriander, turmeric, fenugreek, cloves, ginger, red and black pepper as well as other spices and most famous being “garam masala” There is an art to using spices. Indian spice their dishes in layers harmoniously blending subtle spices with aromatic ones and layering it with herbs, ginger, garlic, and lime juice or tamarind..
"garam masala" coriander, turmeric, fenugreek, cloves, ginger, red and black pepper (herbs, ginger, garlic, and lime juice or tamarind
Every state in India has their special cuisine with a different curry for example in North India Tomato puree is very prominent, where as in East India more of mustard seeds are used to make a curry paste, in South India sour taste is very prominent.
There are generally five kinds of curry used, namely curry based on tomato, onion, curd, onion and tomato based.
Khari Boali, in Old Delhi, is Asias largest wholesale spice market. As you enter the market you can feel the aroma and feel the stimulating effect on your mind. It is a congested and busy market busy market with soaps on all sides selling spices, nuts and herbs. The visitor will have a unique experience here viewing the whole process of market of loading, carrying or uploading of huge sacks of items from manual trolleys, shopkeepers busy in dealing with the customers, customers selecting large quantities of items and weary laborers resting and chatting aloud. The overall appearance seems to be very chaotic but in reality it is very well managed if kept in consideration the fact that such a large amount of trading of small items are carried out daily.
The market has a good reputation for being the best in Delhi as far as quality and prices of any item here is concerned. Though it is a wholesale market but still one can purchase small quantity of any item widely displayed on all the soaps.
Bukhara is the best Asian restaurant and rated best among one of the 50 best restaurants in the World, according to ‘Restaurant Magazine’. When Bill Clinton visited India, he chose this hotel to stay in because of the restaurant. The first choice of any delegates visiting India is this hotel, just because of this restaurant.
It is a cozy venue, with stone walls and cushion covered stools at mock log-top tables. In a busy display kitchen where meat and vegetables hand from sword like kebab spears, chefs slave to produce delicacies from menu that hasn’t changed in over 25 years. The best way to experience Bukhara’s internationally celebrated cuisine is to order an assorted ‘kebab’ platter. There is one named after Bill Clinton!
Alpha Spice, Karol Bagh, New Delhi.
Bukhara is quite costly, and can be a strain for some so for them, there’s another restaurant for people who have less money, they can enjoy the authentic Indian food in a restaurant in New Delhi is Alpha Spice, here you can feel the authenticity as the ambience offered to you is very good. The tables are designed in such a way they you can see various spices under the tables top. And recognize them, with light music live performance by the artists inside the restaurant.
Date: 31/JULY/2008
인도 음식의
음식은 인간의 생활엘 없어서는 안 되는 요소이다. 인간에게 있어서 음식이 없다는 것은 당신의 인생을 지루하게 만들 만큼 상상할 수 없는 순간이다. 음식은 인간의 발달에 있어서 생명의 원천 역할을 한다. 인도에서 음식은 문화, 축제에서 뿐만 아니라 일상 생활에 있어서 중요한 역할을 한다. 인도아대륙의 각각의 지역에서는 여러 음식들을 경험할 수 있고 그래서 인도음식의 특징은 다양성에 있다고 할 수 있다.
인도 음식의 역사는 일반적으로 400년전의 하라빠 유적지로 알려져 있는 인더스 문명으로 거슬러 올라간다. 인도요리는 뚜렷하게 진화해 왔다. 여러 지배자와 여행자들에 의한 풍부한 음식의 다양성은 인도음식에 많은 영향을 주었다. 인도 음식의 핵심은 감미롭고, 시고, 짜고, 맵고, 쓴 6가지 맛의 조화이다. 이 맛들은 음식의 본질적은 성질과 효능과 관련이 있다.
인더스 문명 초기에 인도인들은 아마 밀, 쌀, 렌즈콩등 을 먹고 때때로 암소, 돼지, 양, 산양 및 닭, 등을 먹으며 생활한 것으로 알려져 있다.
불교와 자이나교가 출현한 약 600 B.C에는 , 이들 신생종교의 교리인 불살생은 국가의 몇 몇 지역 음식에 강한 영향을 주었다.분해한다. 특히 자이나 교인들은 비폭력의 강한 신봉자들이여서, 고기는 물론이고 식물의 살생을 피하고자 뿌리식물인 양파와 마늘까지도 요리시에 사용를 금하였다.
마우리아 왕조 기간 (400 B.C) 동안에, 농업의 발달로 다양한 곡물의 재배가 이루어지고 이는 곧 인도에 있어서 다양한 곡물요리와 주류의 발전을 가져왔다.
예술과 건축의 시대로 대표되는 Gupta 시대 (1200 A.D) 에는 많은 여행자들이 인도를 방문했으며 그들이 가져온 차와 많은 향신료 그리고 그에 대한 지식들이 현재 인도 가정 음식문화의 본질적은 요소가 되었다.
1200-1500 A.D 시대는 인도아 대륙에 첫 이민족의 침입이 있던 시기로 무슬림의 영향이 시작되는 때이기도 하다. Vasco Da Gama는 1498년에 인도 서부 해안에 도착했으며 새로운 무역항로의 개척과 동시에 이것은 나중에 식민지화의 발판이 되었다. 이 결과 인도 향신료는 로마에 금만큼 비싸게 로마에 수출이 되었다. 당시 포르투갈의 식민 잔재는 현재 인도 서부 해안의 고아에 음식과 문화에 여전히 남아있다.
무갈음식문화는 약 1500-1800 A.D에 무갈제국의 침입과 함께 인도에 유입됐다. 사프란, 견과류, dum(인도 커리를 만드는 요리법중의 하나) 또는 음식을 단지에 넣고 밀봉한는 방법들이 인도에서 발전되어 졌다. 이와 유사하게 남인도에서는 Hyderabad의Sultan 왕조가 그지역에 영향을 주었고, Kerala에서는 시리아 기독교 요리가 발전되어졌다.
1800-1947 A.D은 영국 식민지 시대로 이 기간은 Anglo 인도 요리가 발전되었고 차와 함께 하는 오후시간의 식사 즉, “Raj” (왕족)라는 음식문화의 전통이 시작되었다.
인도의 독립 이후 기간에 인도의 음식문화는 아대륙적인 음식 문화로 바뀌었고 이것은 오늘날 인도의 음식문화로 발전되었다.
향신료는 다양한 인도 음식에 있어서 생명적인 역할을 한다. 향신료는 "열대 식물로부터 얻어진 강한 맛과 향이 있는 일반적인 조미료”라고 정의 될 수 있다. 고대에 향신료는 금 만큼 가치있었고, 약재, 방부제 및 향수로 사용되기도 했다.
인도와 향신료는 동의어로 봐도 무방하다. 인도는 향신료의 땅으로 알려져 있고, 세계 향신료 시장에서 핵심적은 역할을 하고 있다. 세계 어디에서도 인도만큼 다양한 향신료를 구할 수 없고 가장 양질의 향신료는 인도 서부해안의 께랄라 주에서 얻을 수 있다. 현재 인도는 약 3억불 가치의 향신료를 2.5백만톤 정도 생산하는 세계 최고의 향신료 생산 국가이다. 인도가 가지고 있는 가장 큰 장점은 열대에서 아열대 기후까지 다양한 기후조건을 가지고 있다는것이다. 이결과 인도에서는 거의 모든 향신료를 재배할 수 있다. 인도의 28개 주와 7개의 연방지역에서 적어도 1개의 향신료는 풍족하게 재배된다. 향신료는 맛 뿐만 아니라 칼슘, 철, 비타민 B, 비타민 C 등 여러 영양소를 제공하므로써 약재로서도 많은 가치가 있다. 매운 음식은 비타민제 보다 더 효과적이라고 할 수 있다. 인도의 대표적인 향신료는 아래와 같다.
· Black Pepper
· Cardamom
· Chilly
· Ginger
· Cloves
· Curry leaf
· Turmeric
· Nut meg
· Tamarind
· Cinnamon
· Tea
· Kokam
· Cassia
· Asafetida
· Fenugreek
· Funnel
· Nigella Seeds
· Carom,
And many more.
향신료는 인도 음식의 영혼이라 할 수 있다. 간단한 요리가 향신료와 허브의 사용으로 특별한 요리가 될 수 있다.
대부분의 인도 야채 요리는 간단한 향신료의 조합으로 만들어 지는데 이는 채소의 신선함을 유지하고 맛을 유지시켜 주는 역할을 한다.인도에는 강하고 자극적인 향신료가 있는데 이를 garam masala (기본적으로 수많은 향신료의 혼합물) 라 하고 적은 양을 사용한다. 이 향신료는 처음 향신료를 사용할 때 사용하는 것이 좋다. 예를 들어 4인분 요리시 1스푼 정도 사용하는 것이 좋다. Garam masala는 북인도에서 매우 유명한 향신료 이다.
인도 요리는 또한 민트, 야자열매, 신선한 풋고추 같이 신선한 허브를 사용한다. 신선한 허브는 향신료의 맛을 균형있게 해준다. 그 계절에 맞는 적당한 야채와 향신료의 선택이 요구되어 지는데 예를 들어 겨울에는 달고 짜고 신맛이 적당하고 여름에는 달고 쓰고 떫떠름한 맛의 야채와 향신료가 적당하다.
커리는 일반적으로 영국에서 온 단어이고 어원은 남인도의"kaikaari" 또는 축음형태인kaari라고 볼 수 있는데, 이는 Kari 잎 과 코코넛으로 만들어진 향신료를 이용한 야채요리이다. 현재는 밥과 함께 먹을 수 있는 인도 음식을 지칭하는 영국어로서 보면 될 것 이다. 인도에서는 커리가 일반적인 국물을 의미한다. 커리는 현재 전세계적으로 인정받고 있고 국제적인 요리이다. 이 요리는 많은 향신료와 제철음식으로 이루어진 뜨겁고 시큼한 맛을 가진 음식이다. 같이 스튜이고 뜨겁고 신 맛으로 맛을 낸다. 일반 시장에서 구할 수 있는 커리 가루는 한가지 종류가 아니라 여러 종류가 혼합되어져 있다.
어떤 커리 파우더는 black pepper, chilly pepper, cloves, coriander, fenugreek, cinnamon, cardamom, cumin, ginger, turmeric and nutmeg.( 후추가루, 차가운 고추, 정향나무, 고수풀, 호로파, 계피, 생강과의 다년생, 커민, 생강, 심황 및 육두구)
와 같은 성분으로 이루어져 있다.
전통적인 인도 커리는 유명한 "garam masala" 뿐만 아니라 coriander, turmeric, fenugreek, cloves, ginger, red and black pepper (고수풀, 심황, 호로파, 정향나무, 생강, 후추) 포함하고 있다.예술이다. 향신료를 사용하는 것은 예술적이다. 인도의 향신료는 미묘한 향신료의 향과 herbs, ginger, garlic, and lime juice or tamarind의 맛이 그들의 음식에 조화롭게 섞여 들어가 있다
인도의 각각의 주는 여러 커리를 이용한 독특한 그들만의 요리를 가지고 있다. 예를 들어, 북인도에서는 토마토 퓨레가 유명하고 동인도에서는 겨자씨를 이용한 커리 반죽을 사용하고 남인도는 신맛이 특징이다.
일반적으로, 토마토, 양파, curd(우유에서 추출한 요거트 종류) 를 주재료로 한 5가지의 커리가 사용되어 진다.
올드 델리에 있는 Khari Boali는 아시아에서 가장 큰 향신료 도매시장이다. 시장에 들어서자 마자 강한 아로마 향과 향신료의 느낌들로 당신은 흠뻑 젖어들것이다. 이곳은 향신료와 견과류 그리고 허브 상점으로 꽉찬 매우 활기찬 시장이다. 이곳에서 당신은 시장의 일상 즉, 거대한 양의 짐을 수레에 싣고 내리는 모습, 손님과 실랑이하는 바쁜 주인들과 많은 양의 물건들은 구입하는 사람들 그리고 피곤해 보이는 노동자들이 쉬는 모습과 시끄럽게 떠드는 모습들을 보며 특별한 경험을 하게 될것이다. 전체적으로는 매우 혼돈스러운 장소이지만 매일 많은 양의 물건이 아무 문제 없이 거래되고 있는 아주 잘 관리되고 있는 곳이기도 하다. 이 시장은 품질과 가격에 관해서는 델리에서 최고의 평판을 가지고 있는 곳이기도 하다. 도매시장이라 할지라도 모든 제품을 소량 구입할 수도 있다.
Bukhara는 ‘Restaurant Magazine’ 에 의해 세계 50대 음식점중의 하나로 뽑힌 유명한 레스토랑이다. 빌 클린턴이 인도를 방문했을 때 이 레스토랑을 이용하기 위해 쉐라톤 호텔에 묵기를 원했을 정도이다. 인도를 방문하는 각국의 정상들이 대부분 이 호텔에 묵는데 그 이유가 바로 이 식당 때문이다.
이곳은 돌벽과 쿠션이 씌여있는 의자와 인조 나무로 이루어진 테이블이 있는 아주 아늑한 장소이다. 케밥 창에 꽂혀있는 고기와 야채 등이 매우 바쁜 주방의 풍경을 대변하고 , 주방장이 제공하는 음식은 25년간 한번도 바뀌지 않고 있다. 세계 유명 인사들이 선택한 요리를 접할 수 있는 가장 좋은 방법은 ‘빌클린턴’ 이라 이름지어진 케법요리를 주문하는것이다.
Alpha Spice, Karol Bagh, New Delhi.
Bukhara는 값이 비싸서 몇 몇 사람들에게는 긴장감을 줄수도 있다. 그렇다면 저렴한 가격이 또 하나의 식당이 있는데 여기서 사람들은 전통 인도 음식을 즐길 수 있다. 바로 뉴 델리의 Alpha Spice이다. 당신은 이곳에서 확실한 최고의 분위기를 느끼게 될 것이다. 테이블 위에서 보면 밑으로 다향한 종류의 향신료들을 볼 수 있도록 만들어진 테이블에 앉아 라이브 음악을 즐기며 당신을 그곳을 최고의 식당으로 인정하게 될 것이다.
Date: 31/JULY/2008
(Youl Production (I) Pvt Ltd)
The Indian Entertainment and Media (E&M) industry is poised to grow at 18% compound annual growth rate (CAGR) to reach Rs.1 trillion by 2011 from its present size of Rs.437 billion, according to the 2007 annual edition of the FICCI - PricewaterhouseCoopers report Indian Entertainment and Media Industry – A Growth Story Unfolds. Rising income levels and consumerism bred from the country’s strong economic growth are creating a growing demand for entertainment. This coupled with technological advancements, policy initiatives taken by the Indian Government that are encouraging the inflow of investment and initiative by private media companies, will prove to be the key drivers for the entertainment and media industry. The industry has been forecast to outperform the economic growth in each year, till 2011.
"The last year can be defined as a year of start of convergence for the media industry. With various different services available on the same consumer devices and different network platforms enabled to carry similar services, consumers have been promoted to the top of the value-creating hierarchy, allowing them to enjoy all new social media experience termed as Lifestyle Media", said Timmy Kandhari, Executive Director and Leader Entertainment & Media Practice, PricewaterhouseCoopers, India. "With this new empowerment of consumers, mass media is fast becoming a two way communication platform and the importance of accurate audience measurement will be greater than ever before. Media consumption models such as media marketplace will gain significant importance as it will be crucial to gain insights in to the exact demands of consumers", he added.
Key Findings
OverallCurrent size: Rs. 437 billionProjected size by 2011: Rs.1 trillionCAGR: 18%Growth achieved in 2006 over 2005: 20%
Forming of Media PowerhousesThis age of convergence is leading to a number of collaborations between value chain partners to drive new products and services to consumers. It is also encouraging the diversification of several media companies both within segments such as television news channels diversifying in to entertainment channels or film distribution companies entering in to film production, as well as across different segments of the media & entertainment industry, such as the entry of several print media and television companies in to the radio space. Companies such as Reliance’s Adlabs, Bennett and Coleman and Zee Group today have presence across several segments of the Entertainment & Media industry, signaling the dawn of a new genre of media company in India, billed as ‘Media conglomerate’, similar to the likes of global companies like AT&T, Walt Disney Company, Time Warner etc.
Foreign Investment
2006 saw the maximum flow of foreign investment in the Entertainment and MediaIndustry. As many as 13 proposals for FDI in media since were cleared by theMinistry of Information and Broadcasting in 2006 itself and the Ministry is further examining another 22 proposals for clearance. The news and current affairs segment dominated the field with 8 proposals. Over the last three years, the Entertainment and Media industry has secured foreign investment of over Rs. 4 billion.
Filmed entertainmentCurrent size: Rs. 85 billion Projected size by 2011: Rs. 175 billionCAGR: 16%
Advancements in technology are helping the Indian film industry in all the spheres – film production, film exhibition and marketing. The industry is increasingly getting more corporatised, highlighted by public issues of several film production, distribution and exhibition companies, long term contracts between film production companies and directors/ actors and the fact that more than half the releases in 2006 were by corporate rather than individual.. More theatres across the country are getting upgraded to multiplexes and initiatives to set up more digital cinema halls in the country are already underway, The Home Video section of the industry is also poised for steady cumulative growth of 31%.
TelevisionCurrent size: Rs. 191 billionProjected size by 2011: Rs. 519 billion CAGR: 22%
In 2006, CAS was implemented in select areas in Delhi, Mumbai and Kolkata with varying results. 2006 also saw the entry of the second private DTH player – Tata Sky and the launch of the first IPTV services in Delhi and Mumbai, by MTNL. These new distribution platforms are expected to punch up subscriber base and subscription revenues. Hence, subscription revenues are projected to be the key growth driver for the Indian television industry over the next five years. Subscription revenues will increase both from the number of pay TV homes as well as increased subscription rates. The buoyancy of the Indian economy will drive the homes, both in rural and urban (second TV set homes) areas to buy televisions and subscribe for the pay services.
MusicCurrent size: Rs.7.2 billionProjected size by 2011: Rs. 8.7 billionCAGR: 4%
The industry has been plagued by piracy and had been showing very sluggish growth in the physical format over the last few years, both in India and globally. However, ‘mobile music’ and ‘licensed digital distribution’ services are projected to fuel the recovery of the music industry the world-over. The pace of growth in mobile music reflects the fact that consumers increasingly view their wireless device as an entertainment medium, using those devices to play games and listen to music, while carriers are actively promoting ancillary services such as ring tones and caller tunes to boost average revenue per user. Ring tones currently constitute the dominant component of the mobile music market. Licensed digital distribution services are also contributing significantly to growth in all regions. The boom in the radio industry is also expected to have a positive impact on the music industry
RadioCurrent size: Rs.5 billionProjected size by 2011: Rs. 17 billionCAGR: 28%
The cheapest and oldest form of entertainment in the country, which was hitherto dominated by the AIR, is witnessing a sea-change. In 2005, the Government announced three key policy initiatives - migration to a revenue share regime, allowing foreign investment up to 20% in to the segment and opening of 338 licenses in 91 cities to private players. The effects of these policy changes were evident in 2006 with 245 licenses sold to private players and several new radio channels such as Reliance’s BIG 92.7 FM being launched. In 2006, the community radio was finally implanted by the government. Satellite radio continued to grow while the new concept of ‘visual radio’ was also launched on Nokia mobile phones.
Live entertainment Current size: Rs. 9 billionProjected size by 2010: Rs. 19 billionCAGR: 16%
This segment of the entertainment industry, also known as event management, is growing at a fast and steady rate. While this industry is still evolving, Indian event managers have clearly demonstrated their capabilities in successfully managing several mega national and international events over the past few years. In fact, event managers are also developing properties around events. The growing number of corporate awards, television and sports events is helping this sector. With rising incomes, people are also spending more on wedding, parties and other personal functions. However, issues like high entertainment taxes in certain states, lack of world-class infrastructure and the unorganised nature of most event management companies continue to hinder growth of this industry.
Advertising Spends
Indian advertising spends showed exponential growth in 2006 growing over 23 percent over last year’s spends to Rs.163 billion as compared to a growth of 14 percent. Advertising revenues are vital for the growth of this industry. "While today the low ad spends may seem like a challenge before the E&M industry, it also throws open immense potential for growth," points out the report. This potential can be estimated by the fact that "even if India was to reach the global average, the advertising revenues would at least double from the current level of around Rs.163 billion," as per the report.
Out-of-home advertisingCurrent size: Rs. 10 billionProjected size by 2010: Rs. 21.5 billionCAGR: 17%
Outdoor media sites in India are predominantly owned or operated by small, local players and are typically, directly marketed by them to advertisers and advertising agencies. This makes the industry a fragmented and disorganized one. This situation is improving slightly with some big players like Star Network and Bennet & Coleman & Co. entering the OOH advertising industry. This sector has witnessed several technological innovations such as light-emitting diode (LED) video billboards. This is a segment that is being buoyed by interesting technological innovations across the world and is likely to grow in India too in the short-term.
Internet advertisingCurrent size: Rs.1.6 billionProjected size by 2010: Rs. 9.5 billionCAGR: 43%
An estimated 32 million Indians have been exposed to the internet till 2006, with 21 regular users. A total of 59 million Indians are PC literate and thus potential targets for internet advertising. The number of regular internet users is expected to increase to 35 million+ by 2008 and this will drive growth of internet advertising, which today stands at approximately Rs 1600 million. The increase in number of broadband connections gives users improved internet speeds at cheaper rates encouraging further use of the medium. A study of the demographics of internet users reveals that a large number of users fall in categories suitable for being targeted by internet advertising. The internet is being used for a variety of reasons, besides work, such as chatting, leisure, doing transactions, writing blogs etc. This offers a huge opportunity to marketers to sell their products.
Print mediaCurrent size: Rs.128 billionProjected size by 2011: Rs.232 billionCAGR: 13%
A booming Indian economy, growing need for content and government initiatives that have opened up the sector to foreign investment are driving growth in the print media. With the literate population on the rise, more people in rural and urban areas are reading newspapers and magazines today. Currents estimates reveal that the reach of print media in India has increased to 222 million people. Print media is also the favorite segment for global investors with maximum foreign investment in this segment. The print media industry has potential to grow still larger as 369 million literate people in India are still not tapped by any publication.
Thank you
Partly or Wholly In India by Foreigners
Proposals regarding shooting of TV/Movie feature film are processed in the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India. Proposals may be sent either directly or through Indian Missions abroad.
It is only on the recommendation of this Ministry that other Ministries provide facilities to the film units. Proposals regarding shooting of documentary films are to be sent to the Ministry of External Affairs.
Four copies of the detailed shooting script along with its synopsis should be submitted for approval. In case any living personality is portrayed in the film as a character, the? No Objection' from that personality or his/her legal heirs should be obtained and a photocopy of the same should accompany the script.
In case of a co-production, the detailed agreement between the Indian and foreign party indicating clearly the role of each party-its responsibilities and liabilities? Is required to be furnished for specific clearance.
Detailed particulars of the members of the filming team including the number and validity dates of their passports, country of issuance of passport, nationality, permanent and temporary addresses etc., the team's itinerary into Indian on temporary basis should be furnished to the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting for specific clearance at least one month in advance.
On the basis of the scrutiny of the script and other details of the proposal, approval of the proposal will be given by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting subject to certain procedural regulations detailed below. It takes nearly 10-12 weeks to convey to give a formal undertaking (given below) about adhering to these requirements.
The film should be shot according the script as approved by the Government of India. In case any material deviation is considered necessary, prior permission of the Government of India (Ministry of Information & Broadcasting) should be obtained.
All shooting should be done in the presence of a Liaison Officer who will be provided by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting. Besides helping the team in obtaining local permissions etc., the Liaison Officer's duties include ensuring that nothing detrimental to the image of India or the Indian people is shot or included in the film. Should any disagreement arise in the respect, the matter is to be refereed to the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, whose decision will be final. The Liaison Officer will travel and stay with the filming team.
Shooting on locations in India will be subject to permission being granted by respective controlling authorities. Request for such permission may, however, be routed through the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting.
In case assistance is required to be provided by the Ministry of Defence, Education etc., separate agreement as stipulated by these Ministries will require to be signed with them. Requests for such assistance may be routed through Ministry of Information and Broadcasting.
The completed film wherein assistance by Armed Forced has been rendered should be shown to the Ministry of Defence for clearance before its release for public exhibition. This is apart from the requirements mentioned below.
The producer will have to observe all rules and regulations relating to Import/Export and Foreign Exchange in connection with shooting of the film.
The exposed film /rushes will be dispatched out of the country as cargo and not as part of the baggage.
The completed film should be shown to a representative of the Government of India in India or in Indian Mission abroad before its release anywhere in the world. In case it is proposed to show the film to any Indian Mission abroad, the Mission should be specified in advance in the undertaking to be given by the producer.
Where expenditure in foreign exchange on the part of Indian co-producer is involved, he is required to give a bank guarantee for repatriation of two times of the foreign exchange to be released and equal to the amount Involved in foreign collaborators, technicians/artistes etc., in India.
For release of foreign exchange, the Indian co-producer will have to approach Ministry of Information and Broadcasting giving full details of the film crew visiting from abroad, number of days for which shooting will take place and breakup of the estimated expenditure to be incurred in foreign exchange.
The foreign collaborator is not allowed any remittance of commission related either to box office receipts or profits or exhibition of the film in India.
Date: Place:
To, The Secretary, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India , New Delhi
With reference to the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting's letter No____ dated_____, we hereby give the following undertakings:
Shooting of the film will be done in locations in India in accordance with the script as approved by the Government of India. If we consider any material changes are necessary in the script, we shall obtain the prior approval of theGovernment of India for such changes
We shall furnish the detailed particulars of the members of the shooting team and the exact locations where the shooting would take place in India at least one month in advance of the arrival of the team in India . We note that prior approval of the Government of India is necessary for the composition of the team and for the fixing of locations for shooting.
We note that in the case of assistance to be obtained from other Ministries such as Defence, Education, etc., separate agreements as stipulated by these Ministries, are required to be signed with them.
We shall shoot the film only in the presence of a Liaison Officer to be attached to the team by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting.
We accept that part of the Liasion Officer's duty will be to ensure that nothing detrimental in the depiction of India or the Indian people shall be shot or included in the film. In the event of any disagreement arising between the team and the Liaison Officer in this respect, the matter will be immediately referred to the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, whose decision will be final.
We undertake to show our completed film to the representatives of the Government of India in India/ the Indian Mission in*-(*Name of the country)- for scrutiny and we further undertake to delete and destroy the portions of the film that may be found objectionable on such scrutiny by the Government of India, before the film is utilized for public exhibition anywhere in the world.
After shooting of the film is completed in India , we shall provide, in duplicate, to the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting a narrative report about the details of shooting done in India .
Archaeological Survey of India(For Filming At Protected Monuments)
Archaeological Survey of India, an attached office of the Department of Culture, Government of India, protects and maintains about 5000 monuments/archaeological sites scattered in different geographical zones of the country. With a view to propagate the rich cultural heritage of the country, Archaeological Survey of India issues licences for filming protected monuments and Archaeological sites of national importance. Foreign national who intend to make documentary/feature films, with or without cast as the case may be, have to obtain official clearance from the Publicity Wing of the Ministry of External Affairs and the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting of Government of India respectively.
Procedures/Formalities 1 Every person intending to undertake filming at a protected monument / site has to apply to the Director General ASI at least three months before the proposed date of commencement of filming.
Documentaries: For filming documentaries (Video Film/cinematographic Film) in centrally protected monuments /sites by professionals and other agencies licence fee of Rs. 5000/- is charged per monument/site. (Bank a Demand Draft to be obtained in the name of Director General, Archaeological Survey of India, New Delhi .) If the commercial documentary involves cast, if any, besides licence fees Rs. 10,000/- is to be deposited in the General Post Office as security pledge to the President of India and the pass book has to be submitted to the Director General's office. If any person intends to undertake video filming from exterior of a centrally protected monument / site listed under second schedule for non-commercial and does not involve any cast and use of a stand, a fee of Rs. 25/- is charged at booking counters available in such monuments.
FEATURE FILMS: If any person/professional/agency/company intends to shoot a commercial feature film which involves cast at centrally protected monuments/ sites besides licence fees of Rs. 5000/- per monument, security deposit of Rs. 10,000/- needs to be pledges to the President of India in the General Post Office and the Pass book is retained in the Office of the Director General A.S.I. Pass book shall be returned for release of security deposit from the concerned post office immediately after the receipt of ?No Damage Certification? in respect of the Site/Monument from the concerned Superintending Archaeologist of the Circles and on receipt a VHS copy (free of cost) of the portion of the film shot at the monument/site from the party. Licences granted by the Director General ASI are subject to the following conditions.
• Licence shall not be transferable and shall be valid for the period specified therein. • The filming operation shall be restricted to that part of the monument in respect to which the licence has been granted .( c) The filming operation shall not obstruct or hamper the movement of persons who may lawfully be within the precincts of the monument and any other condition which the Director General ASI may specify in the licence. All correspondence relating to issue of licence shall be addressed to:- The Director General, Archaeological survey of India , Janpath, New Delhi-110001 India.
1. Name of the applicant and address:_________________________________________
2. Name of the monuments at which the proposed filming operation is to be carried out:______________________________________________________________________________________________________
3. Locality____________________________ District_______________ State_____________________
4. Part of the monuments proposed to be filmed: ______________________________________________________
5. Nature and purpose of the filming operation and the context in which the monument is proposed to be filmed (relevant extract of the script should be attached in triplicate and details of the scenes to be filmed should be furnished in triplicate):______________________________________________________________________________________________________
6. Number of persons in the cast:__________________________________________________________________________
7. Approximate duration and date of commencement of proposed filming operation:_________________________________
I declare that the above information is correct. I also undertake to observe the provisions of the Ancient Monument and Archaeological Sites and Remains Act, 1958, and the Rules made thereunder.
Seal of the Organisation
Signature of the Applicant
KOREA INDIA FOOD FEST PRESS RELEASE, a unit of Shila Travels (India) Pvt. Ltd, proudly organizes, a HAPPY MOVE GLOBAL YOUNG CHEF (2008~’09). The festival is being hosted by Institute of Hotel Management, PUSA, New Delhi. The festival is sponsored by Hyundai Motors.
Hyundai Motor Company is ranked as the world’s fifth largest automaker in 2008 and includes more than two dozen auto-related subsidiaries and affiliates. Employing more than 75,000 people worldwide, Hyundai Motor posted sales of US $74.9 billion in 2007 on a consolidated-basis and US$32.8 billion on a non-consolidated basis (using the average currency exchange of 929 won per US dollar). Hyundai vehicles are sold in 193 countries through some 6,000 dealerships and showrooms.
As a part of their Corporate Social Responsibility Activities Hyundai Motor selects 500 students from various universities in Korea, under ‘Happy Move Global Youth Volunteers’ programme, which is the part of auto group’s plan to expand its contribution to the global community and nurture the future leaders. These students are then taken to other parts of the world, to promote their culture through various means and thus, contribute to the global community. For instance, in India they have come to promote Korean culture and heritage and the route chosen is that of a Korean food festival.
This time, the selected students are divided into groups, who will be sent to five countries i.e. India, China, Turkey, Hungary and Thailand from 15th July to 30th August. This programme is one of the first activities of the Corporate Social Responsibility Committee, which was formed in May, 2008.
During the food festival, the food will be prepared by the visiting Korean students along with some renowned chef’s from South Korea and served to the local Indian students and the invited guests, in order to promote food and cultural exchange between both the countries.
The Korean students will also visit an orphanage, Missionaries of Charity during their tour; they will prepare food for the children, treat them, and spend some quality time with the children, at the orphanage. Some of the students will also carry out volunteer work and assist the one in need, in order to strengthen the cultural ties between the two nations.
The main objective is to promote the Korean cuisine and make it popular among Indians, just like other county’s cuisines, since large numbers of Korean tourists and executives come to India every year, the foremost problem which Korean people face is the food. Food is the most indispensable ingredient of life, and life becomes difficult if you don’t get food of your own choice. So, in order to make life easy for the Korean community here, we have come up with an idea to host a food festival. The food festival will also help, in strengthening the bilateral relations between the two countries.
Yoga is an ancient practice, which has its origin in this particular sub-continent, since time unmemorable its has always helped us in getting relief from variety of nagging complaints like ubiquitous stress, back ache, obesity, depression, arthritis, gastritis, pain, and the list goes on. The history of mankind shows that at every stage human beings have been trying to perfect their social, political, economic and religious institutions, in order to lead a life free from ills, Yoga-abhayas has always helped human beings in attaining these institutions with perfection.
In India, yoga has retained its authenticity; people here practice yoga on daily basis without any adulteration done in its practice, for mental and physical relief. Yoga is an in-depth practice which is attained through a long process and can not be attained in a shot period. In India, because of a joint family system, a new born is cared by whole family, where all the family members gives proper care to the baby, like the grand parents teach the way to worship and teach them various ‘mantras’ and ‘sanskaras’, parents teach them the family values, and the learning process starts from there on. At the age of 3-4 years a child gets inclined towards yoga and with due process of time they are able to understand the technicalities of yoga. Where, as in else where in the world, Yoga practice has been molded according to their needs, it has become the means to curb the menace of various diseases.
Yoga is a 5000 year old science which is derived from the Sanskrit root “Yuj” meaning ‘to control’, ‘to yoke’, or ‘to unite’. Common meanings include ‘joining’ or ‘uniting’, and the related idea such as ‘union’ and ‘conjunction’. Another conceptual definition is that of ‘mode, manner, and means’.
Yoga is a group of ancient spiritual practice, which originated in India, in general according to Hinduism it has been defined as “technologies or disciplines of asceticism and meditation which are thought to lead to spiritual experience and profound understanding or insight into the nature of existence”. It is also intimately connected to the religious beliefs and practices throughout the world.
Elsewhere in the world Yoga has been associated with the practice of asana of Hath yoga or as a form of exercise, although it has influenced the entire Indian religious family and other spiritual family throughout the world. Hindu text discusses different aspects of yoga including the Upanishads, the Bhagavad-Gita, the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, the Shiva Samhita, and many others.
History of Yoga:
Several seals discovered at Indus Valley Civilization (c.3300-1700 BC) sites depict figures in a yoga or meditation like posture. There is considerable evidence to support the idea that the images show “a form of ritual discipline, suggesting a precursor of yoga”.
The most widely known of these images was named the “Pasupati seal” by its discoverer, John Marshall, who believed that it represented a “proto- Shiva” figure. Many modern authorities discount that the idea of this “Pasupati” represented Shiva or Rudra figure.
In 2007, terracotta seals were discovered in the Cholistan Desert in Pakistan. Punjab University Archaeology Department Chairman described one of the seal as similar to the previously discovered Mohenjodaro seals, with three pictographs on one side and a “yogi” on the other side.
Ascetic practices are referred in the Brahmanas (900 BC & 500 BC), early commentaries on the Vedas. In Upanishads, an early reference to meditation is made in Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, one of the earliest Upanishads (900 BC). The main textual sources for the evolving concept of Yoga are the middle Upanishads (ca. 400 BC), the Mahabharata (5th c. BC) Including the Bhagavad-Gita (ca.200 BC),and the yoga Sutras of the Patanjali (200-300 BC)
Yoga and its Benefits:
Over 20 million people daily practice yoga approximately. Everyday people are reporting their wonderful experiences with Yoga, the transformation of being, taking you beyond the here and now. In one wonderful session of yoga, people get to practice a number of things, some yoga poses, breathing exercises, meditation and chanting. In yoga people can learn basic terms like Mudras, Bandhas and Chakras.
Yoga is for the body, mind and spirit. It is all about feeling good, feel the blood surging through the veins, the energy pulsating through your nerves, the bliss coursing through your whole being. The best of all, it is apt for all, regardless of age, color, caste, creed or religion, from the healthiest to the sickest, form the richest to the poorest, from the whitest to the blackest. Here are some of the specific and immense benefits of yoga
Bring down stress and enhances powers of relaxation
Boosts physical strength, stamina and flexibility
Bestows greater powers of concentration and self control
Inculcates impulse control
Helps in rehabilitation of old and new injuries
Intensifies tolerance to pain and enhancing mental clarity
Boots functioning of the immune system
Enhances posture and muscle tone
Improves blood circulation
Results in healthy, glowing skin
Cleanses and improves overall organ functioning
Bestows peace of mind and a more positive outlook to life
Infuses a sense of balance and internal harmony
Although yoga is the ancient practice, but somehow in the middle ages it disappeared, and got confined to a very small section and people, with the influx of modern medicine and quick recovery, people lost their faith in yoga and relied more on medicines, which in actual terms cures the disease superficially and not from the roots. Many people associate yoga with hermits sitting on mountain peaks or in caves with people who sleep on beds of nails or do strange things in general. They fail to understand the real meaning, and have myth that a yogic life is unsocial of seclusion and self-abnegation. However in recent times, it has been widely noticed that large number of yoga gurus have been seen in temples ashrams and houses giving yoga abhayas to those intend on learning.
요가는 아주 오래 전부터 특정 아대륙 (sub- continent )에 기원을 둔 고대의 수련 방법으로 우리들을 끊임없이 괴롭히는 스트레스, 요통, 비만, 우울증, 관절염, 위염, 통증 등 다양한 종류의 질환 치료에 도움을 주고 있다. 인류의 모든 단계에서 보여진 인간의 역사에서 사람들은 질병들로부터 자유로워지기 위해 사회적, 정치적, 경제적, 종교적인 제도를 완벽하게 하기 위해 부단히 노력해왔다. 요가는 인간이 이러한 제도를 완벽하게 달성하도록 도움을 주고 있다.
인도에서 요가의 근본 본질은 계속 보존 되고 있다. 인도 사람들은 어떠한 이유도 아닌 단지 정신적, 육체적 안온함을 위해서 일상 생활에서 요가를 수련한다. 요가는 단기간이 아닌 오랜 과정을 통해 습득 되는 심도 깊은 운동이다. 예를 들어 새로 아이가 태어나면 조부모는 신에 대한 숭배 와 다양한 “ mantras” “ sanskaras” 을 그리고 부모는 가족의 가치를 가르치는데 여기서부터 아이의 배움의 과정이 시작된다고 보면 된다. 대략 3 ~ 4세가 되면 아이들은 요가에 관심을 기울이기 시작하며 적당한 시간적 절차에 따라 요가의 기술들을 이해할 수 있게 된다. 세계의 어떤 곳에서는 요가 수행은 사람의 필요에 의해 만들어져 다양한 질병위협의 억제의 수단이 되고 있다.
요가는 산스크리트(Sanskrit)어로 “통제”, “말에 멍에를 씌워 말뚝에 매어두다”, “결합한다”는 의미를 가진 “Yuj” 에서 기원을 둔 5000년 된 과학이다. (** 요가는 여러 면 에서 과학적인 성격을 가지도 있다.) 일반적인 의미로는 “결합하다” “하나되다” 그리고 “결합함” “합동”과 관련된 개념도 포괄하고 있습니다. 그리고 형태, 방법, 수단이라는 다른 개념의 정의도 있습니다.
요가는 인도에 기원을 둔 고대의 정신수양 수행 방법으로 일반적으로 힌두교에서는 기술, 자기수행, 그리고 정신 세계의 체험, 자연 존재의 심오한 이해 또는 인지를 이끌어 낼 수 있는 명상으로 정의 된다. 요가는 또한 전세계적으로 종교적 믿음, 수행법과도 깊이 연관되어 있다.
요가는 인도나 다른 집단을 통해 전 세계적으로 종교적 역할을 하고 있지만, 다른 한편으로 요가는 Hath 요가 좌법 ( 요가 자세의 하나) 수행 또는 운동의 형태와 관련되어 있습니다. 힌두 교과서에서는 다양한 관점에 대한 요가 ( Upanishads, Bhagavad-Gita, Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Shiva Samhita 등 ) 에 대한 의견을 나누고 있다.
요가의 역사
인더스 문명 유적지에서 발견된 몇몇의 유물들에서 요가 수련의 모습, 명상자세가 묘사되어 있다. 이것들은 선구적인 요가가 제시하는 “종교 의식의 요가형태”를 보여주는 중요한 증거가 된다.
가장 잘 널리 알려진 유물은 발명가 John Marchall에 의해 “Pasupati” 인장이라 이름 지어 졌고 John Marchall은 이것이 Proto- Shiva의 형상을 대표 한다고 믿는다. 하지만 많은 현재의 권위자들은 Pasupati가 Shiva 나 Rudra의 형상을 대표한다는 사실을 받아들이지 않고 있다.
2007년 Terracotta 인장들이 파키스탄의 Cholistan 사막에서 발견 되었다. Punjab 대학교 일류학부 의장은 그 중 하나는 그전에 발명된 “Mohenjodaro” 인장 (세계의 상형문자가 한쪽 면에 있고 다른 면에는 “요기”가 있음)과 비슷하다고 설명했다.
요가의 고행은 Brahmanas - 초기 Vadas ( 힌두교의 경전)의 주석서 에 언급되어 있습니다. Upanishads ( 명상에 대한 초기 참고 문헌 )은 초기 Upanishads의 하나인 Brihadaranyaka Upanishad에 언급되어 있다. 요가 개념과 관련된 주요 문헌의 자료는 “middle Upanishads” , “Mahabharata ( Bhagavad- Gita 포함)”. “ The Yoga Sutras of the Patanjali ( 책이름 )에 실려 있다.
요가의 장점
대략 20만 명이 넘는 사람들이 매일 요가를 수련한다. 매일 사람들은 요가에 대한 그들의 경이로운 경험, 변화, 즉시 기대한 이상의 신비한 경험들에 대해 말하고 있습니다. 단 한번의 수업으로 사람들은 여러 가지의 요가자세, 호흡법, 명상, 찬양 등 다양한 것들을 배울 수 있습니다. 요가를 하면서 기본적인 용어들 ( Mudras, Bandhas, Chakras ) 등도 배울 수 있습니다.
요가는 몸과 마음 그리고 정신을 위한 운동 입니다. 요가는 기분을 좋게 하고 피가 혈관을통해 솟구치게 하며, 몸 전체 신경을 통해 활력을 주며, 삶에 행복감을 주는 것에 중점을 둔 운동이다. 요가의 가장 장점이라 하면, 연령, 피부색, 사회적 계급, 종교, 건강상태, 경제적인 부에 관계없이 남녀노소 누구에게나 적정한 운동이라는 것입니다. 여기 몇 가지 구체적이고 중요한 요가의 이점을 있습니다.
- 스트레스 감소와 긴장완화 능력 강화
- 육체적 힘, 체력 강화 및 유연성
- 집중력 및 자제력 생김
- 욕구 자제 능력이 생김
- 부상에 대한 재활 치료에 도움
- 통증에 대한 내성이 강화되며 정신이 맑아짐
- 신진대사를 활발하게 도와줌
- 자세를 바로 잡아주고 근육을 예쁘게 가다듬어줌
- 혈액순환에 도움
- 건강하고 생기 있는 피부를 만들어줌
- 전반적인 장 기관들의 기능 증진
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요가가 고대서부터 내려온 운동이고 어떻게 해서 중세에 잠시 사라졌으며 매우 국소적인 지역과 사람에게만 국한 되어져 왔다. 그리고 현대 의학의 빠른 회복으로 사람들은 요가를 신뢰하지 않고 질병의 근본이 아닌 표면상의에 중심을 두는 현대 과학에 더 의지를 해가고 있습니다. 일반적으로 많은 사람들이 요가라 하면 산 정상 앉아 아님 손톱을 길게 기르며 동굴 안에서 자고 이상한 행동을 하는 은둔자로 생각한다. 사람들은 진정한 의미의 요가를 이해 못하고 요기들 (요가를 하는 사람 )의 삶이 반사화적이며 자시희생이라는 미신을 믿고 있다. 하지만 요즘 들어 요가는 많은 요가 지도자들이 사원의 수도 장이나 집에 요가를 배우고자 하는 사람들 에게 요가를 가르쳐준다는 것은 많이 알려져 있다.