Friday, April 15, 2011


E-education gets simpler, cheaper

Patna, Sept. 21: Too unwell to attend school? Don’t worry., an educational resource portal, is now offering virtual classroom right before you on a computer screen.

It is not possible to understand each and every topic being taught to students by teachers in school and coaching classes. Students often wish the same topics were repeated time and again till they understood them. Problems like chasing friends to help them with lecture notes, seeking private tutors to cope with the exams, trying to learn the lessons that were taught months ago, and even desperately trying to understand complex problems are all too familiar problems being faced by students. has decided to play the role of students’ friend and teacher at the same point of time.

Students can attend the class lectures virtually, taught by some of the best instructors in the country – word by word, variable by variable, equation by equation, repeating as many times as they want to - going through all the chapters and sections that they may have missed at school.

According to Siddharth Lall, head of Eduent Technologies (Limited Liability Partnership), TopChalks, Bihar and Jharkhand: “In Bihar you can come across numerous coaching classes but it is very hard to find quality education. These classes also charge lakhs of rupees for one course with no guarantee to make the topic easier for students. In order make education easier and cheaper for students and their families, we have come up with this educational portal.

The idea behind the site is to democratise education and reach out to millions who desire to study at their own will by the best faculty across India.”

About the courses offered on the site, he said: “We provide course materials for classes IX to XII curriculum based on CBSE, engineering, CAT, MAT, and SAT.

The course material offered by TopChalks are compiled by the best academicians across the nation.

It breaks all barriers of time and space.”

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